19-24 July
Buenos Aires Argentina
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The American Mathematical Society (AMS) has received an award from National Science Foundation (NSF) to support a travel-grant program for US-based mathematicians to participate in MCA 2021 in Buenos Aires.

The Mathematical Council of the Americas (MCofA) welcomes nominations for the following prizes, which will be awarded on the occasion of the 3rd Mathematical Congress of the Americas (Buenos Aires, July 19‐24, 2021).

Mathematical Congress of the Americas

Welcome to Argentina!

Looking forward to meeting you!
Mathematical Council of the Americas
The Mathematical Council of the Americas (MCofA) is a network for professional mathematical societies and research institutes based in the Americas, dedicated to promoting the development of mathematics, in all its aspects, throughout the continent. As a continental collaborative effort, special attention is given to cooperating with the Mathematical Union for Latin America and the Caribbean (UMALCA).
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The MCofA organizes a quadrennial Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA) that rotates host countries throughout the continent.
To learn more about the MCofA visit main web site:



The Scientific Program Committee is responsible for developing the scientific programming for the MCA 2021.
- Alejandro Adem, Chair
- Martin Barlow
- Maria Chudnovsky
- Alicia Dickenstein
- Shafi Goldwasser
- Alejandro Maass
- Alf Onshuus
- Paolo Piccione
- Jill Pipher
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- Luz de Teresa